14 Jun Understanding Male Skin

When we think of moisturiser, we tend to think of dry skin. After all, a good moisturiser should hydrate the skin, mimicking the actions of the sebaceous glands which produce sebum. However, dry skin amongst men is quite uncommon, which means that many men believe that they don’t need to use a moisturiser to keep their skin looking and feeling healthy. This, of course, isn’t true. It’s important for men to understand their own skin, how it differs from women’s skin, and how to look after it.


Men and Dry Skin

According to the International Dermal Institute, the sebaceous glands in male skin produce much more sebum than the sebaceous glands in female skin, due to the stimulatory effects of male hormones such as testosterone. This means that male skin is often well hydrated, and that instances of dry skin among men are rare – even among older people. While sebum production tends to decrease with age in women, particularly following menopause, levels of sebum in men tend to remain pretty stable until the age of 80, when a slight trend for slower production can be observed. This leads to many men believing that they don’t need to use a moisturiser to keep their skin healthy.

However, even oily skin needs to be moisturised. All skin types – both dry and oily – need moisture and hydration, and if the body “thinks” that the skin may begin to dry out it will tell the sebaceous glands to produce more and more sebum, increasing the risk of acne. This could explain why 20 percent of men in their 30’s suffer with acne, and 12 percent of men in their 40’s continue to experience breakouts.

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Choosing a Product for Male Skin

Choosing a moisturiser for oily skin can seem challenging, but it’s actually very simple once you know what to look for. Firstly, look for light, fast-absorbing lotions that won’t make you feel greasy. Secondly, try to avoid moisturisers with harsh chemicals, fragrances, or colourants. Shaving can lead to sensitive skin, which can easily be aggravated by the harsh chemicals in some products. It’s best to stick to gentle but effective products, such as AproDerm®.

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