Oops!  Dermo has forgotten to put the colour into these pictures…maybe you could help him out?  Crayons, felt-tips, paints, colouring pencils – choose whichever ones you like, and if you’re feeling super creative, get the glitter out! Click on a picture to print.

You’re amazing! The AproDites have put together some of their favourite, encouraging words for you to print out, and remind yourself just how great you are! You can choose between a colour option or a black and white one, which you can colour in yourself if you’re feeling super creative. Both sheets also have templates with blank spaces, for you to write your own special words. Click on a picture to print.

CA colour
CA Black and White

Once you’re done, get your Mum, Dad or responsible adult to email a picture of your creation, to [email protected]

AproDerm® | Company Reg No: 08072503 | © Fontus Health Ltd 2015-2025