Between taking naps, going to AproNursery and experimenting in his AproLab Eczii has been busily creating crosswords, word searches, spot the difference and some shuffle puzzles for you to enjoy. Each month he will be challenging you and the other AproDites with new games so make sure that you keep checking back for more.

Have Fun!

  • Crosswords


    Itchii’s stuck! He can’t work out Eczii’s crossword puzzles. Play online and see how fast you can help him solve the puzzle or print and solve on the go!

  • Word Searches

    Word Searches

    Eczii’s AproGrid is full of hidden words – can you help the AproDites find them all.

  • Shuffle Puzzles

    Shuffle Puzzles

    Have a go at solving Eczii's shuffle puzzles. Too easy? Select a larger grid or difficulty level for a real challenge

    Shuffle now
  • Spot the Difference

    Spot the Difference

    Captain Apro has set a new mission for all fellow AproDites – can you help find the 10 differences in his spot the difference puzzle?

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