10 Dec Make Up For Dry Skin

Suffering from any form of dryness or skin condition isn’t easy. It can not only lead to physical discomfort, but could also impact you emotionally through feelings of shame, upset and frustration. Apparently, nearly everyone will experience a skin condition at some point in their life, so it is important to educate, understand, and find the best products for you. There is so much stigmatisation, yet according to the British Skin Foundation, there are 8 million people living with some form of skin disease in the UK. If you are a make-up lover, yet find yourself prone to flare-ups as a result of your enthusiasm for beauty products, it is key to understand which products you should be using on your skin. Here are some make-up tips to help make that process a little easier.

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While this post is primarily about make-up, it is so important to focus on your base beforehand. You could have the best products in the world, but if your skincare routine isn’t ‘on point’, the rest of your make-up won’t fall into place either. Making sure you maintain a healthy diet filled with fruit, vegetables and water and ensuring you get enough sleep will naturally help your skin along the way. Cleansing with a gentle cream or balm cleanser will rebalance your skin without stripping it of it’s essential oils, whilst moisturising with a product tailored to you (try brands such as AproDerm for a dry-skin-specific treatment), this will replenish and rehydrate your skin ready for make-up. Facial oils are also a great way of getting a quick-fix burst of nourishment. Always remember to take care of your skin before applying make-up!


I cannot begin to express how vital it is to use a primer. There are loads on the market, but many can have a very drying, silicone texture which will not do you any favours. Investing in a hydrating primer, or one that is thicker in texture, will not only ensure your make-up stays in place all day long, but will help to protect your skin by creating a barrier between your skin and your foundation. It’s a skincare step which is often overlooked, but it will really make the world of difference when you start incorporating it into your routine. Try primers such as Clarins Instant Perfecting primer for a thicker texture, Max Factor’s Facefinity All Day primer for a creamier texture, and Body Shop’s ‘Moisturise It’ for a super-hydrating option. Nivea’s Hydration primer, while providing a much thinner, less effective base, is another great soothing option which is designed specifically for dry and/or sensitive skin. 

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Foundation is the main issue for many who suffer from dry skin. I have cried in frustration many times after perfectly applying my base, only to see it leaving dry, flaky patches seconds later. After making sure those areas are targeted with extra moisturising care, I have found that applying with a soft, flat-headed foundation brush (such as RealTechnique’s buffing brush) or a beauty blender-type sponge are the best, least irritating options when applying your base. While many people prefer matte looks, if you suffer from dryness it would be wiser to stick to something more dewy and radiant. BB creams could be your best friend, but if you prefer fuller coverage, brands such as Clinique and Clarins are great for products which take your skincare needs into consideration. For a cheaper option, I always rely on Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation, and find it complements my skin even through dryness.


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Concealer is probably a lot simpler to get your head around when you have dry skin. There are usually three main types of concealer; sticks, compacts (such as 17’s Phwoarr Paint or Benefit’s Boi-ing), and wands. Wand applicators are liquid concealers which have a far creamier consistency than the chalky alternatives (which cling to and exacerbate any dryness), making them the perfect option for dry-skinned beauty lovers. The extra hydration and moisturising element gives you a far better chance of concealing the dryer patches, and can be blended without the risk of the formula clinging. Try Clinique (again) and Nars for some amazing high-end concealers, or Collection’s infamous Lasting Perfection for a cheaper alternative.

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