29 Oct Top Tips for Concealing a Skin Disease

There is a school of thought that subscribes to the idea that those of us who have a skin disorder should proudly expose our scars for all to see.
Whilst I applaud the courage of those who are happy to do this, I personally prefer to cover mine up. Not because I’m embarrassed, but rather because I do not want to be defined by my psoriasis. I would prefer people to meet me, rather than my disease and am always conscious of the fact that ‘you never get a second chance to make a first impression


So with this in mind, I have devised a set of tips that I try to adhere to in order to ensure that I will look my best whilst concealing my skin.

  • Avoid Dark Colours. So many people have issues with flaking scalps and this will always show up on a dark shoulder. Even during the festive season, a dusting of white is never a good look, so swop your usual black and navy for pale grey, taupe and winter white.
  • Distract The Eye. Accessories are a wonderful way to divert attention from your skin disorder. A huge cocktail ring; a ‘blingtastic’ statement necklace; or a glamorous fur snood are all ways to ensure that people notice your style and not your skin.
  • Keep It Simple. A great everyday look is a pair of jeans, some ankle boots or ballet flats and a crisp white shirt. This look will never date but will always ensure that your skin is concealed.
  • Steal A Style. Channel your inner Olivia Palermo and invest in a white tuxedo jacket. A real classic, this is a timeless look that will get you through the party season
  • Dress to the Max. The current trend for maxi dresses does not seem to be abating and these are the real wardrobe heroes of anyone trying to cover up a skin disorder. Pair with a light shrug for the perfect summer or holiday look.


I have always firmly believed that what you wear can influence how you feel about yourself.  It is a well-known fact that self-esteem issues often go hand in hand with skin disease, so it is important to do all we can to ensure that we look and feel our best. (Plus it’s a wonderful excuse to go shopping!)  All it takes is a few clever tricks to conceal and camouflage and pretty soon you’ll feel your confidence growing. Don’t let your skin disease define you. It’s only part of who you are; it’s not the full story. Now go forth and be fabulous!

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